A day in the life of a nurse
What makes working as a nurse at Leuchie, unique?
Charlotte: "It's the time you have to be person-centred with our guests. It's not just clinical work, you get to make a social impact because of how much you get to know them and their families. And there's a solid, supportive team around you of nurses, seniors and care assistants who also know the guests long term and can be relied upon.

Tell us a bit about your job, what do you like most about it and what are the challenges?
What I love about it goes back to the person-centredness. We talked so much about this in university but it's difficult to carry out in a ward setting. Everyone says this at Leuchie but the banter with guests is brilliant. We have a lot of fun.
It's challenging when you're the nurse in charge because you really need to be confident in your nursing knowledge and to carry out sound decision making. But to be trusted with this responsibility feels great.
Of course a sad aspect of working here is that you do see the decline in people, but the team is supportive and caring and it makes us feel inspired to make sure everybody who comes to stay with us at Leuchie has a great holiday with great care.
What does your typical shift look like?
7.30am to 9am
Morning report
8am to 10am
Meds / dressing care / PEGS / catheter care
Leuchie team meeting with all departments
11am to 12pm
On the floor with the guests doing obs. You can learn a lot from having a conversation with somebody.
Meal assist in the dining room to ensure SALTS assessments are being followed
1.30pm - 2.30pm
This is time for paperwork. Discharge letters, referrals, dependency scores for next holidays, admissions, risk assessments and care plans.
Report to the late shift
End of shift for morning nurses.
What would you say to someone who is thinking of applying to be a nurse at Leuchie?
Apply! It's great! Returning guests means you can see the positive changes that you have made due to your referrals and your actions. It'll change your view of nursing. It allows me to be the nurse I always wanted to be."