Employee volunteering and fundraising
Whether your staff want to raise money for us, or donate their time and skills, there are many ways to put your staff right at the heart of our work.
A fun and easy way to get started is an office cake bake; you could also organise a pub quiz or a raffle, or even host an event like a charity ball.
We'd love to help you come up with or develop great fundraising ideas that relate to your business and can be applied in your work environment. Download our fundraising guide for more tips and ideas.
We have a number of volunteering opportunities for your employees to get involved with. Whether its painting and decorating or gardening at Leuchie House, entertaining our guests with their talents or helping out at collections and events, there are countless ways for staff teams to get involved.
- Call us to find out more 01620 892864
- Sign up for our monthly e‑newsletter, Leuchie Outlook