Stephen Pearson

When did you become a Leuchie trustee?

Why did you decide to become involved with Leuchie?
Meeting three men my age over dinner whose lives had been turned upside down by MS. For them, Leuchie was a lifeline and so I decided to get involved.

What do you do as a Leuchie trustee?
I chair the Board of Trustees, which is the group having oversight of Leuchie's management. It's our job to ensure that Leuchie is well run and looks after its guests and staff well. We also have to sign off the annual budget and accounts.

What do you get out of it?
I'm hugely proud of the work that goes on at Leuchie and the strides that the management team have made over the past few years. There is, literally, never a dull moment: I enjoy being able to help the team with whatever the issue of the day is (assuming I can!). And I love meeting our guests and hearing their stories.

Tell us one thing about you that we probably wouldn't expect:
You'll sometimes find me playing 70's pop classics on the Leuchie Grand Piano for our guests - some sing along enthusiastically, some nod appreciatively and - occasionally - some fall asleep.

If you could invite someone to Leuchie for a coffee and a chat, who would it be and why?
I'd like to invite the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. She was a great supporter of Leuchie when she was Cabinet Secretary for Health and I'd like to show her the huge improvements we have made to our service and our operation since those early days.

If you could wave a magic wand, what would the Leuchie of the future be like?
I'd like there to be at least three Leuchies in Scotland - one in the west and one in the north - as well as a handful of mini Leuchies - self catering holiday homes for families coping with disability.