It’s important to have some self-care techniques
Hi there yes it’s me- the gallus lass that you’ve seen dragging unsuspecting guests down to her den in the basement every week but generally bringing them back smiling! I hope you are all managing to stay sane and safe during this strange time.
I have really missed my days at Leuchie. It’s scary but I’ve been the reflexologist there for about 20 years! Oh, the changes I’ve seen, the treatment rooms I’ve been in!! The banter with the staff and guests has raised my spirits over the years. I have always believed in the therapeutic benefits of touch but had never realised just how much I got from giving reflexology never mind the benefit to the recipient until I haven’t been working! I am often asked: am I not exhausted after a day at Leuchie, where I can have treated as many as 8 guests. My answer is unreservedly no – a little tired initially, maybe, but nothing a good G&T can’t solve! Many days I come away uplifted.
Holding hands is good. For me, holding feet is even better! If you can persuade your partner or carer to take 5 minutes to massage some nice smelling hand cream into your hands or feet, to move them about and flex the joints you’ll feel the benefit. Some of it is about taking time out for yourself and let’s face it we’ve quite a lot of that just now! And breathe- just take time to inhale and exhale slowly and consciously.
It’s important to remember some simple self-care techniques. Massaging the palms of your hands gently in a circular motion will help your digestion and in particular help move things along. As will pressing and massaging the V between your thumb and forefinger. Sore heads can often be helped by pressing the pads of both thumbs together. Ask for help if you need it. Best of all is hugging grandchildren- I can’t wait to hug mine soon!
I haven’t been able to practise any reflexology since March and professional bodies are still unsure as to what precautions will be required when we are allowed back. Hopefully by September we’ll have a clearer picture. In the meantime keep wiggling those fingers and toes and I hope to see you all back in the House soon.
Grace x