Kiltwalk 2024

Save the date!

The Kiltwalk Edinburgh date is going to be on Sunday 15th September 2024.

The Kiltwalk is a national mass participation event that brings a kind-hearted community together to walk for causes close to their hearts, and over the past 8 years has raised an incredible £42.5M for Scottish charities!

Registration will be open soon. Please check back for details.


When you sign up to the Kiltwalk a JustGiving page is automatically generated for you. Once you've completed your page you can share the link and start fundraising!

For tips on how to create a successful JustGiving page and and how to promote it using social media, download our 'Top 10 tips for your online giving page' leaflet.

If you would prefer to gather your funds off-line then please download a Leuchie sponsorship form.

If you have any questions at all please contact and a member of our fab team will be delighted to help you!

It was a pleasure walking the Kiltwalks for all at Leuchie House. Thank you for giving everyone a stay to remember.